Monday 8 August 2016

Hayagriva Jayanthi

Lord Hayagriva is one of the  incarnations of Lord Maha Vishnu. Hayagriva is also often termed as Hayasira. Haya means 'Horse' and Sira means headed. Hence, Hayasira means 'a person with a horse-like head'.

Lord Hayagriva was born on the Sravana Poornima day. Hayagriva is a prominent deity amongst the Vaishavas and hence Hayagriva Jayanthi is an important festival for them.

According to Hindu texts, Vedas were stolen by Rakshasas and Lord Hayagriva fought with them and brought them back. Ancient texts says that Hayagriva is the first person to offer Akasharabasyam to Goddess Saraswati.

The festival is also prominently observed by the student community. Popular belief is that praying to Lord Hayagriva, particularly on the Hayagriva Jayanthi day bestows all that is necessary for good education to the students. Other related benefits will be elevation on job front, improvement in public image and reputation etc.

Hayagriva is most popular in the south Indian states of Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh. Symbolically, Hayagriva represents the triumph of pure knowledge, guided by the hand of God, over the demonic forces of passion and darkness. Traditionally, Hayagriva is worshipped for all learning ventures.

2016 Date : 17th August, Wednesday.

2017 Date : 7th August.

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