Friday 5 August 2016

Krishna Pushkaralu 2016

Krishna Pushkaralu is a festival of River Krishna which normally occurs once in 12 years. It takes place during the transit of Bruhaspati (Jupiter) into Kanya Rasi (Virgo Zodiac Sign). 

Vijayawada is located on the banks of the Krishna River. Vijayawada is very much famous for Krishna Pushkaralu. During the celebrations, devotees will take a dip in the sacred Krishna River to wash away their sins.

As per the legend, there lived a Brahmin in a village. He did severe penance towards Lord Shiva. As a result of it, Lord Shiva granted a boon because of which he was blessed with a power to purify the holy rivers. Thenceforth he was known as Pushkar (the one who nourishes). While traveling from one zodiac sign to another, Brihaspati aka Jupiter requested Pushkar to make the 12 sacred rivers holy. Various pujas and rituals were performed during the Pushkaralu.
The festival lasts as long as Jupiter remains in the corresponding zodiac sign. Major crowds will throng during the first 12 days. The first 12 days when the Jupiter enters the zodiac sign and the last 12 days when it exits the zodiac sign are considered as most auspicious. 
The Krishna river is the fourth largest river, which is about 1,300 kilometers long. It originates from Mahabaleswar of Maharashtra and exits into the Bay of Bengal at Hamsaladeevi. The river flows through Karnataka and ends its journey in Andhra Pradesh before reaching its final destination viz., Bay of Bengal. En route, the river crosses Panchgani, Wai, Narsobachi Wadi and enters Karnataka at Kurundwad, and flows through Belgaum, Bijapur, and Gulbarga districts. Finally, it enters Andhra Pradesh near Deosugur and continues to flow through Mehbubnagar, Kurnool, Guntur and Krishna districts.
It has many tributaries and Tungabhadra is the principal one and the other ones include Mallaprabha, Koyna, Bhima, Ghataprabha, Yerla, Warna, Dindi, Musi, Dudhganga.

Krishna Pushkaralu Dates : 12th August 2016 � 23rd August 2016.

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