Saturday 13 August 2016

Shravana Putrada Ekadashi

Putrada Ekadashi, also known as Pavitropana Ekadashi and Pavitra Ekadashi, is a Hindu holy day, which falls on the 11th lunar day (ekadashi) of the fortnight of the waxing moon in the Hindu month of Shravana (July-August). All the normal rules associated with Ekadasi fasting is observed during Putrada.

The popular belief is that by observing Putrada Ekadasi Vrat one will be able to get a son. As per  Bhavishya purana, this vrat is mentioned by Lord Sri Krishna to Yudhishtira. It is also considered highly auspicious to feed poor children and old people on this day. Also a person who observe this vrata achieves moksha after his death.

Legend has it that King Mahijit was extremely successful and victorious. However, what bothered him was the absence of children which became a constant worry since he would not have anyone to perform his last rituals and honor the forefathers. He performed several charities, good deeds and also observed countless homas, yagnas and yagas (sacrifices) but in vain. Thus, he set out in the search of Sage Lomasa to seek help and advice. Born from the hair of Lord Brahma, Sage Lomasa had the capability to vision the past, present and future. The kind retold his entire story.

On hearing the story, the sage began meditating and realized that the king was a vysya (merchant) in his previous birth who traveled selling goods. On one journey, the king was very thirsty and reached a lake in the search of water. There, he saw a thirsty cow and a newborn calf drinking water. He then drove away the cow and his calf for drinking water himself. Therefore, he had committed the sin of obstructing the cow from drinking water. It was due to this reason that he was still childless in his present birth. To erase the sin committed, the sage advised the king to observe the Pavitra Ekadashi vrat.

The king, along with his wife, observe this fast and in due time, got a handsome and healthy son. Also, the son grew up to become a successful ruler. Therefore, pavitra Ekadashi is regarded as the most important fast dedicated to Lord Vishnu and is observed with great fervor and devotion. In addition, this vrat is known to be one of the greatest Ekadashi vrats among all 24 Ekadashi vrats in Hinduism as it is associated with engendering children. Foods containing rice and grains are avoided on this day. Some firm devotees even keep vigil (stay awake during the whole night) on this day.
2016 Date : 14th August,Sunday.

2017 Date : 3rd August

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