Saturday 16 July 2016

Jaya Parvati Vrat

Jayaparvati Vrat is observed in Ashada Maas by unmarried girls and married women in Gujarat and some other Western India parts.This vrat is dedicated to  Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati.The Vrat begins on the 13th day in the Shukla Paksha (waxing phase of the moon) in the Hindu month of Ashada.The Main Purpose of observing this vrat for happy family,peaceful life ahead.

Legends :

It is believed that a Brahmin couple was a true devotee of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. They were well-satisfied with their life, with the exception of a child. They worshipped Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati every day in the temple. Amused by the couple�s dedication, Lord Shiva appeared in their dream and asked them to visit a nearby dense forest and worship the unknown Shivling present there. The Brahmin couple set out in the forest in search of the Shivling. On finding it, they cleaned it thoroughly for worshipping. However, when the husband went out to get flowers or the puja, he was bitten by a snake on the way and fell unconscious.

Worried, the wife started praying for her husband�s life at the Shivling. The true loyalty and faithfulness of the Brahmin woman melted Shiva and Parvati. Thus, they brought back her husband to consciousness. Hence, the couple continued praying and eventually, was blessed with a healthy son.

Obseving Vrat :

On the first day of the Jaya Parvati Vrat, javera (wheat seeds) are sown in a small bowl or pot and kept boy the temple in the house. A �nagla� or a necklace made from cotton wool and decorated with kanku spots is placed around the edge of the pot to encircle the javera. Every morning, the married women bath and perform puja around the javera while watering it. In the course of five days, the javera seeds will sprout and grow. On the fifth day, a full night jagran, or vigil, is arranged by all those observing the Jaya Parvati Fast. This all night awakening is called Jayaparvati Jagran. The fast is broken by consuming wheat and salt on the final day of the vrat.

In 2017 vrat begins on July 6th and ends on 11th July. 

Jagran date is 10th July. 

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