Tuesday 12 July 2016

The 12 Forms of Sun God and Their Unique Powers

The Bhagavata Purana lists these �Adityas� as various Sun Gods. In each month of the year, a different �Aditya� is believed to shine.

v In the form of Indra, the sun god destroys his own enemies.

v As Dhata, the sun god creates living beings.

v In the form of Parjanya, sun god Showers down rain.

v The Sun God as Tvashta, lives in the trees and herbs.

v As Pusha, the Sun god makes food grains grow.

v In the form of Aryama, the Sun god is in the wind.

v As Bhaga, the Sun god is in the body of all living beings.

v The Vivasvana form of Sun god is in fire and helps to cook food.

v Vishnu is another form of Sun God, who destroys the enemies of all other Gods.

v As Amshumana, the Sun god is again in the wind.

v In the form of Varuna, the Sun god is in the waters.

v As Mitra, the Sun god is in the moon and in the oceans.

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