Friday 15 July 2016

Karka Sankranti

Sankranti means the Sun�s entry in a Sign.On this day the sun enters Karka Rashi (Cancer). It is also known as Dakshinayanam which marks the end of the Uttarayan Punya kaal (daytime for gods) and the begining of Dakshinayana punya kaal (nightime for gods.) In Hinduism it is believed that the gods go to sleep during the period of Dakshinayanam. During Karka Sankranti performing pitru tarpan or the rituals which pay respect to our pitrus or ancestors is considered highly meritorious. Worshipping Lord Vishnu, chanting the Vishnu Sahasranam and worshipping Varaha (the third incarnation of Vishnu) is a must on Karka Sankranti.

Rituals of the Day

  • Devotees should take holy bath during sunrise to wash away all sins and start afresh.
  • On this day, Lord Vishnu is worshiped and Vishnu Sahsra nama stotram is chanted during the puja. This brings peace and better luck to the devotees.
  • It is said, to do all kinds of daan on this day including grains, clothes, and oil especially to Brahmins.
  • Along with Lord Vishnu, the Sun God is also prayed and offered puja for health and prosperity on Karka Sankranti.
  • One should avoid starting anything new or important on this day, as the day is not very auspicious.

2016 Date : 16th July, Saturday. 

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