Monday 25 July 2016

Signals Of Death From 'Shiv Puraan' By Shiva That Are The Greatest Danger Signs!

Although there are many scriptures which talk about Lord Shiva, but 'Shiv puraan' is one scripture which is the most important of all.

It is believed that Lord Shiva has talked about some very unknown and rare symptoms of death which he narrated to Goddess Parvati in Shiv Puraan. Here are 12 signs of death which occur to a human being when his death is just around the corner and can be a alarming sign.

If a person cannot see his or her reflection in oil,water or mirror that indicates a life span of six months.
If Mouth,Eyes,Ears or Tongue stop working properly,then it indicates death within six months.
If a suddenly a Body starts turning white or yellow or there are red spots on the body, Then there are chances of the person dying within six months.
If Throat & Tongue start gets dry again & again,then the person can die soon.
If someone�s left hand keep on flinching again & again with tongue getting dry, That indicates death within a month.
If someone can see a black or red ring around the moon and sun then there are chances of death within a span of 15 days.
If one cannot see stars and moon or can see them as dim as black, Then death is just round the corner.
If one is suddenly surrounded by blue flies,Then it indicates death within a month.
If a vulture, crow or pigeon sits on someone�s head then it is an indication of death.
If a person sees his or her shadow without the head, that indicates death.
When you lose your ability to see properly or when one cannot see the fire properly then it indicates incoming death.

A person who cannot see the north star or the sun,and can see a rainbow in the night time is a clear indication death.

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